Monday, November 8, 2010

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Bishop, my English Mastiff, has the most expressive eyes.  I captured this photo this afternoon.  When I came home from the math conference I tried taking Bishop out to play.  He grabbed his favorite football and bounded out the door.  He ran across the porch, ready to play after his long lonely day inside.  He made it to the driveway and then halted, as tho he suddenly realized that it was still raining.  He lost the spring in his step as he continued onto the grass to do his business.  After completing his business he sullenly walked back up to the house.  I offered to still play in the rain but Bishop was not interested.  I let him back in and he immediately returned to his bed.  I feel like you can see the disappointment in his eyes.


  1. It is truly amazing that Bishop sensed that it was still raining before he even made it out in the rain and had already decided that it wasn't worth playing in. I was suprised that even though you had offered to play in the rain that he didn't take you up on it. Would he normally play out in the rain? You can definitely see he is disappointed in the outcome! :)

  2. Sarah,
    There is nothing like a dog's expression! Sometimes I would love to know what is going on in my dog's mind - but then again maybe the reason we call them "man's best friend" is because they don't speak their minds :)

  3. Awww... He certainly is NOT a Dutch dog! It rains all the time here!

  4. @Amy normally Bishop would play in a summer rain. I think that the combination of the fall chill and the rain was more than he was interested in. He LOVES snow!

  5. @Carmin HaHa no he is not a Dutch dog. Bishops favorite thing to do is stretch out in the grass and soak up the sun. I wonder if dogs can get seasonal depression?
